Branch Office for Foreign Organization
Branch office is an independent legal entity which is allowed to engage in legitimate profit-making activities in Malaysia.
What is a Foreign Organization?
A foreign organization is a company, corporation, society, association or other body incorporated outside Malaysia; or an unincorporated society, association or other body which under the law of its place of origin may sue or be sued, or hold property in the name of the secretary or other officer of the body or association duly appointed for that purpose and which does not have its head office or principal place of business in Malaysia.

- use the same brand and name as its parent organization;
- perform the same business activities as parent organizations; and
- appoint a branch agent who is a Malaysian resident.
Expand Business Recognition
Opening a branch company can offer visibility and brand exposer which can positively influence a company’s profits.
Access to
New Market
Allow Parent Company to target new consumers when introducing their product or services in a foreign land but with minimal complications
Greater Level
of Control
It is easier to oversee the business operations since the parent Company has full control over the activities of a branch office.
The parent Company has a complete ownership interest in its Malaysia branch.
Required Documents
- A certified copy of the certificate of incorporation or registration of the parent company ;
- certified copies of the parent company’s main statutory documents – company’s charter, memorandum and articles of association or other instrument defining its constitution;
- Form 79 – Return by Foreign Company Giving Particulars of Directors and Changes of Particulars;
- the power of attorney or similar documents that can attest the fact that the parent company has authorized a person living in Malaysia to accept various documents on behalf of the foreign company.
- statement by the agent of the foreign company confirming his consent for the appointment.
Registration with SSM
- the name, identification, nationality and the ordinary place of residence of every shareholder in Malaysia and, if any of these person is a body corporate; the corporate name, place of incorporation or place of origin, registration number and the registered office of the body corporate;
- the name, identification, nationality and the ordinary place of residence of every person who is appointed as a director of the foreign company in Malaysia; (iii) the list of its shareholders or members at its place of origin;
- in the case of a foreign company with share capital, the details of class and number of shares at its place of origin;
- in the case of a foreign company limited without share capital, the amount up to which the member undertakes to contribute to the assets of the foreign company at its place of origin in the event of its being wound up; and
- the name and address of a person who is a resident in Malaysia, who is appointed by the foreign company as its agent under a memorandum of appointment or power of attorney.
Registration Fee
Payable to SSM
SSM registration fee depends on the amount of your share capital.
*In the event of foreign company does not prescribe any share capital, a flat rate of RM70,000 shall be paid to SSM.
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Reg No.:200701039771(797803-P )