Scaleup Group

Work Permit

Every West Malaysian and Expatriate is required to have valid work permit applied with Sarawak/Sabah local immigration. Talk to us and learn how to obtain a work pass in Sabah.

How to Apply for
Work Permit?

Application must be submitted by either the employer or by a private employment agency registered with the Immigration Department to the nearest State Immigration Office.
Minimum Salary Requirements
Share Capital Requirements
  • Category 1 - Applicant must earn a basic salary of minimum RM10,000 per month
  • Category 2 - Applicant must earn a basic salary between RM5,000 - RM9,999 per month
  • Category 3 - Applicant must earn a basic salary between RM3,000 - RM4,999.99 per month
  • 100% Local owned -RM250,000 (Paid up capital)
  • Joint venture(minimum foreign equity is 30%) - RM350,000 (Paid up capital)
  • 100% Foreign owned - RM500,000 (Paid up capital)
  • *Copy of supporting letter from Sabah Chief Minister Department,Internal Affairs and Research office
  • Foreign-owned companies operating in the wholesales,Retail and Trade (WRT) sectors mandatory requirement to submit valid WRT license, if applicable. Refer to the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism for WRT license application guideline - RM1,000,000 (Paid up capital)
  1. Paid up capital does not apply to Incorporated, Limited Companies and Associations/Organizations that registered under specific act.
  2. All new applications for Expatriate positions must be advertised in Jobs Malaysia and Local Newspapers for 30 days.

Have more questions?

Feel free to get in touch with us and learn how we can work with you on your business journey.
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Let's Connect!

Philip Tong

Senior Account Manager

Philip has over 9 years of experience in the accounting field, coverting multiple industries, serving clients in the field from law firms, petrol stations, construction, trading and service industries. He is one of the Xero Certified Advisory and is passionate about leveraging a strong All-in-One accounting to ensure clients digitize their business and increase efficiency.



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